Germán is a Member of the Board and sits on the Marketing Committee at Re-forest London. Germán holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications with a Major in Journalism and has been a Professor at Fanshawe College since 2006. He has 45 years of experience in education, research, consulting, script writing, editing and project management for major communication projects in North and South America. Germán is a Member of Tesl Ontario since 2005, and of the Canadian Association of Journalists since 2017. He is the Regional Vice-President for Canada of the Committee on Freedom of Expression and Liberty of Speech of the Inter American Press Association since 2017.
Germán was invited to an event hosted by the Westminster Ponds Centre and was greatly inspired when he saw the magnificent opportunities for Education, Civic Engagement and Environmental Awareness that the Reforest London Team of Professionals offers our increasingly diverse community.