From plantings to community events, our volunteers are always present to lend a helping hand. Our volunteers’ continued support is overwhelming and very appreciated. Without their help, we could not have achieved everything that we have!
We welcome you to explore our volunteer opportunities for ways to get involved and contribute to a greener community. Please see below for all our current volunteer positions.

Tree Planter
Volunteer with ReForest London to help plant thousands of native trees and shrubs in parks and natural areas in the spring and fall.
- Plant trees and shrubs
- Carry buckets of compost and mulch
- Add tree collars
Training Required: No training required
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours at an event
Event Season: Spring and Fall
Sign-Up: Register on our events page
Aftercare Assistant
Help ensure the success of previously planted naturalization projects by caring for the plants.
- Weeding and Mulching
- Invasive Species Removal
- Tree Pruning
- Litter Clean Up
Training Required: No training required
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours at an event
Event Season: Summer
Sign-Up: Register on our events page

Photography Volunteer
Capture our events and help us share them with our community.
- Photographing event attendees
- Confirming that attendees have signed photo consent forms
- Sharing photos with ReForest London Staff
Training Required: Orientation Training
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours at an event
Event Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role
Planting Leader
Planting Leaders lend a helping hand to less experienced volunteers and help ReForest London staff run naturalization projects.
- Helping staff lead tree plantings & aftercare
- Guide volunteers on proper tree planting
- Helping with event set up and take down
- Providing quality assurance and fixing any trees planted improperly
- Other event help as needed
Training Required: Orientation Training & Planting Leader Training
Time Commitment: 4 Events per year
Event Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role

Community Tree Specialist
Community Tree Specialists lend a helping hand at Tree Giveaways to help Londoners choose trees that meet their needs.
- Helping staff at tree giveaway events
- Help Londoners choose the right tree
- Helping with event set up and take down
- Collect donations
- Manage information collection for the Million Tree Challenge
- Other event help as needed
Training Required: Orientation Training & Community Tree Specialist Training
Time Commitment: 2 Events per year
Event Season: Spring, Fall
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role
Community Liaison
Community Liaisons represent ReForest London at community booths, where they pass on information to individuals, hand out seedlings and sell our promotional items.
- Staffing a ReForest London display
- Helping with setup and/or take-down
- Telling people about our programs and volunteering opportunities
- Encouraging people to sign up for our email list and to take our flyers
- Selling tree gifts, t-shirts or other items
- Keeping track of money from donations and sales
Training Required: Orientation Training & Community Liaison
Time Commitment: 2 Events per year
Event Season: Year Round
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role

Seed Specialist
Seed Specialist help carefully source, gather, and prepare seeds for planting to restore and sustain local ecosystems.
- Seed Forecasting
- Lead Seed Hikes
- Process and store seeds
Time Commitment: 2-3 seed events per year
Event Season: Year-round
Training Required: Orientation Training & Seed Specialist
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role
Tree Nursery Attendant
Responsible for watering, monitoring, and caring for young trees to ensure their healthy development.
- Potting up seedlings
- Watering trees
- Tree Care
Training Required: Orientation Training & Nursery Attendant Training
Time Commitment: 5 Nursery Shifts per Season
Event Season: Year Round
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role

Committee Member
Committee Members do the behind-the-scenes planning, working, and organizing necessary to make our organization successful.
- Finance Committee
- Governance Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Trees Committee
- Westminster Ponds Centre Committee
Time Commitment: 8-10 meetings per year
Event Season: Year-round
Sign-Up: Apply for an open position
Office Assistant
Office Assistants help to ensure ReForest London’s databases are kept accurate and up-to-date. They assist with data entry, mailings and light organizing of supply cabinets.
- Data entry
- Managing information
- Organizing cabinet space
- Updating website content
Training Required: Orientation Training
Time Commitment: 4 shifts per year
Event Season: Year-round
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role

Translation Volunteer
ReForest London aims to provide an accessible and inclusive environment. For this volunteer role we need individuals who can translate documents so that non-English speaking Londoners can easily learn more about trees and ReForest London. These documents are also available on our website or at our events.
- Help translate and proofread ReForest London materials into specified language
Training Required: No Training required
Time Commitment: Variable depending on the project
Event Season: Year-round
Sign-Up: Apply to receive more information about this volunteer role