Peppertree Park

Project type: Park Naturalization
Year: 2016
Season: Spring

Cornerstone Architecture employees came to Peppertree Park with their families and braved the hot weather to plant 318 native plants in this park! This planting is directly beside a planted natural buffer between the park and the adjacent railway. The trees and shrubs planted by Cornerstone Architecture will grow to increase the natural buffer as well as providing shade, wildlife habitat and biodiversity in this quaint neighbourhood park.

A giant thank you to Cornerstone Architecture for coming out to plant with us! The firm, a leader in sustainable building within our region, has been a long-time supporter of London’s Million Tree Challenge and chose this year to increase their impact by fully funding a park planting project.

Cornerstone’s team of volunteers had a great attitude and appreciation for tree-themed puns — always appreciated here at ReForest London — such as, “We want to get back to our roots” and “This planting is over-elming!” We’d also like to give a special shout-out to Patrick who stayed until the very end of the planting to make sure all of the trees got planted – we couldn’t have done it without you! We hope to see you all again at future naturalization events.

Last but certainly not least, our tree specialist volunteers Christian Therrien and Suzie Belleville were an invaluable resource in helping teach newer volunteers the ins and outs of planting and helping to get the project all wrapped up at the end of the day.

Thank you all again for a great day of tree planting here in the Forest City!

Cornerstone Architecture’s involvement with tree planting has been more of a third party commitment for the past decade by ensuring all trees planted on any sites we have developed were registered with the Million Tree Challenge. This year our team decided to take that commitment further by donating 318 trees/shrubs and volunteering for the day to extend the naturalization of Peppertree Park. Sustainability is one of Cornerstone Architecture’s main objectives and planting trees is one of the easiest and enduring ways to positively affect the environment. Everyone has a commitment to our environment and we hope to continue our positive stewardship of the earth for years to come.

Mallory Blaine (MAATO), Cornerstone Architecture