Name: Jennifer Wagenman
Roles: Tree Specialist, Community Liaison and Tree Planter
Volunteer since: June 2018
About Jennifer: I have loved trees since I was a little girl and have really enjoyed learning more about the trees that grow in this area. My family and I have lived in a lot of different places and learning more about what grows where we live always helps me feel settled and at home. One of my expressions when I am upset or under stress is “I need to get out in the trees”. Walking in the woods or even a treed city park is good medicine for me and never fails to clear my head and lift my spirits. I really like the idea that I could participate in making this experience possible and accessible for Londoners now and in generations to come.
Why Jennifer volunteers with ReForest London: I am a relatively new, but very enthusiastic volunteer with Reforest London. My first experience was a tree planting that a group of my coworkers from Mountain Equipment Coop attended in June of 2018. I do a lot of volunteering at various organizations and this was one of the most positive experiences I have ever had. I couldn’t believe how many people came out and how many (in number and variety!) trees we were able to plant in an afternoon. I personally planted a meadowsweet shrub, a burr oak, a tulip tree, a sugar maple and a dogwood. Not only was it fun to work together, it was immediately obvious that we had made a positive change, one that would continue on growing for years, even beyond our lifetimes. It’s not too often that you can make a positive contribution that will continue on so long. After that day I went on to train as a community liaison and a tree specialist and volunteered at several seedling giveaways, tree depots and tree plantings.