Project type: Million Tree Challenge
Year: 2013
Season: Spring

In business, there are many times when a gift is required to honour or show appreciation for a client, an employee, a colleague, a speaker or a customer. The gift of a tree is unique, thoughtful and befitting in our current society. Being environmentally conscientious is forward-thinking and representative of an empathetic and adaptive business.
As a Million Tree Challenge Partner, you should know that there are a few options for tree gift giving available through ReForest London. For detailed information, please visit tree gifts.
Celebration Forest tree gifts are native trees you purchase through ReForest London that are planted on behalf of your recipient in a young forest just behind Parkwood Hospital.
Six different MTC Partners planted trees in honour or in recognition at the Celebration Forest ceremony this year.
Some of the larger MTC Partner orders came from McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home, who planted 24 trees in memory of their clients’ loved ones; London Convention Centre, who planted 14 trees in celebration of their clients over the past year; London Hydro, who planted 11 trees in memory of past employees; and, Horizon Leadership Institute, who planted 12 trees in celebration given as holiday gifts last December.
So if you require a business gift for any reason at all, be sure to think about London’s Million Tree Challenge and give the gift of a tree!
We are thrilled to play a small role in reforesting London. Our clients respect and appreciate the recognition we give them by planting a tree in their honour. Although many are not able to attend the annual ceremony they are always very happy to receive the certificate we produce for them to symbolize their conference or event.
– Darrin Pollard, Director of Business at London Convention Centre