Name: Julie Kiser
Volunteer Since: September 2013
Volunteered as: Event Reporter/Photographer
Autobiography: I split my time between my job at the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at Western University and working towards a career in Corporate Communications and Public Relations. After graduating with a Masters degree in Political Science, I wasn’t quite ready to give up on my passion for research and writing. I’ve recently had my work published in the London-based journal Public Sector Digest, and I continue to work on various writing projects. I plan to pursue a Diploma in Public Relations next spring at Western’s Continuing Studies.
I am a native Londoner interested in getting involved in my community and networking with other ambitious young professionals in the city. As an Event Reporter for ReForest London, I attend tree plantings where I take photos and interview volunteers and donors. When I’m not busy building my portfolio, I enjoy reading, swimming, and spending time with friends.
Reflections on Volunteering: Starting a career in London these days is tough for a young person given the difficult job market. I see volunteering as an excellent way to gain experience, build skills and network your way to becoming more marketable. It’s also a great way to become engaged in your city and develop a sense of community. Despite only having worked for a short time with ReForest London, I’ve already been able to meet lots of friendly interesting people and see the impact the organization is making on the city and the environment.
Thanks for all the great work Julie! Want to find out how to get involved with ReForest London? Contact our Community Outreach Coordinator at [email protected] or 519-936-9548 ext 221 for more information.