Consolidated Tree Protection By-law

By-law Number: C.P.-1555-252

By-law Passed: November 24, 2020


The Tree Protection by-law is to regulate the injuring and destruction of trees and to encourage preservation and planting of trees throughout the City of London. This by-law has been consolidated from the Tree Protection By-law C.P.-1515-228 passed on August 30, 2016 that was repealed.

This by-law protects our trees in two ways

  1. It protects all trees within “Tree Protection Areas”
  2. It protects “Distinctive Trees,” which are trees with a diameter ≥50 cm.

Trees that fall under either category are protected from damage or injury caused by any person without a permit.

Tree Protection Area: this means any geographic area of the City that appears as a Tree Protection Area on Schedule B of the By-law. The map of the Tree Protection Area can be found here.

Distinctive Tree: this means a Tree that has a Trunk Diameter of 50cm or greater, and that is located on a property within the Urban Growth Boundary, excluding a Tree Protection Area. The Urban Growth Boundary can be found within the City’s Plan.

The Tree Protection by-law requires property owners to apply and obtain a permit before removing a Distinctive Tree or any trees located within a Tree Protection Area.


For more information about the by-law, review the Tree Protection By-law or visit Tree Protection By-law FAQ’s. If you are considering cutting down a tree on your property and have any questions about the process, or if you think someone is in violation of the by-law, call the City of London Forestry office: 519-661-5783 or email [email protected].